Rebuild America
What if a program were undertaken to replace a substantial portion of the outdated and aged homes in the US with highly energy-efficient homes designed for 21st century lifestyles?
The Rebuild America program has been designed to provide answers to that ‘What if ‘.
- Revitalized economy and jobs market across the US
- Revitalized “green” homes and neighborhoods in cities and suburbs across the US
- Massive reductions in CO2 emissions across the US, leading to reduced global warming problems
- Substantial reductions in residential water usage, helping preserve vital water supplies
- Greater Federal, state and local government revenues
- Lower Federal, state and local expenses; reduced Federal deficits
- Substantial new and stable revenues for educational improvements throughout US
National Health Technology Alliance
The National Health Technology Alliance offers federal and state, commercial and public sector health information and technology initiatives, activities and services to help members track developments in the area of health technology; to provide thought leadership policy papers, research reports and relevant commissions; to educate policy-makers, healthcare technology users and opinion leaders about cutting edge industry issues; and to represent the IT, Mhealth and health tech industries in health IT and related debates, as well as in various public forums.