Bridge Span 17-5: A FCC Message of Hope?

Much has already been made, with more yet to come, about President Trump’s first one hundred days in office. Love him or not, love the accomplishments or not, even a cursory review of the last few months show a dogged determination to roll back the regulatory state. Today, in a highly anticipated speech by Federal […]

Bridge Span 17-7: The False Choice of Security and Privacy

Discussions about personal privacy and government surveillance commonly end in a false choice. Often someone offers that the government can watch them all they want and gather all the information the government may desire, because the person proudly asserts that they have no reason to be worried as they are not criminals and have done […]

Bridge Span 17-2: Free Market Flop – Municipal Madness

Appropriately, city and local governments try to find ways to improve the municipality for its citizens. Inappropriately, some of these municipalities around the country have tried, and ultimately failed, to either set up their own communications networks or to partner with private companies to get into the business of broadband. The reasons for the failures […]