Bridge Span 14-7: “Conservative” Witch Hunt

Recently some “conservative” commentary bereft of law, logic or facts, argued that the Comcast and Time Warner Cable transaction should be subject to “exceptionally rigorous review” and Congressional scrutiny because the Department of Justice, the FTC, and FCC, the agencies charged with review and approval of mergers, are corrupt.

The yellow journalism articles, and […]

Bridge Span 14-3: Tech Champions! Constitution Warriors?

Tech Champions! Constitution Warriors?: Will “Real” Conservatives Usher in a Radical Expansion of Government Power?

Tomorrow the House Judiciary Committee will hold the hearing “Exploring Alternative Solutions on the Internet Sales Tax Issue.” Taking some time to explore the Constitutional challenges of current proposals which mandate the […]

Bridge Span 14-5: Living in an Aereo World

by Stevan Mitchell

On April 22, the Supreme Court will confront two sub-optimal scenarios when it hears ABC Inc. v Aereo – a case with potentially resounding impact on the relationship between broadcast television and the Internet. Affirming the appeals court decision would unjustly reward cynical lawyering and technological […]