Bridge Span 13-15: Who Supports The New Attack on the Internet?

The data is in and there is little room for argument, elected officials who support the so-called “Marketplace Fairness Act,” which if enacted would allow states to collect sales tax on purchases from out-of-state retailers that do not have physical locations in their jurisdiction, will have few voters supporting them. In fact, […]

Bridge Span 13-13: A Permanent End to Online Discrimination

For more than 15 years, four different times, the battles against the pro-tax thugs who want to loot the Internet with multiple and discriminatory taxes have continued. The latest battle is forming up as detailed in a new piece I wrote for IPI. Once again making the Internet moratorium permanent, and […]

Bridge Span 13-12: New Taxes+Unusable Speed=Good for School? New Math for Politicians?

What could possibly be wrong with the idea? It helps the kids.

But when […]