Bridge Span 14-10: A Bright Day for the Future of the Internet?

This morning the US House of Representatives will debate H.R. 3086, the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act. The Act would permanently protect consumers from the increased costs in accessing and using the Internet by extending the moratorium on Internet access taxes, and would also prevent the multiple and discriminatory taxation of Internet sales.

The House […]

Bridge Span 14-6: Extend, then Reform

Sooner or later the time comes when you just have to get the job done. Wrapping up the first quarter of the year and still Congress has not moved on the “tax extenders package.” It is well past time to do so and end another government stumbling block for taxpayers.


Bridge Span 14-3: Tech Champions! Constitution Warriors?

Tech Champions! Constitution Warriors?: Will “Real” Conservatives Usher in a Radical Expansion of Government Power?

Tomorrow the House Judiciary Committee will hold the hearing “Exploring Alternative Solutions on the Internet Sales Tax Issue.” Taking some time to explore the Constitutional challenges of current proposals which mandate the […]