Bridge Span 14-3: Tech Champions! Constitution Warriors?

Tech Champions! Constitution Warriors?: Will “Real” Conservatives Usher in a Radical Expansion of Government Power?

Tomorrow the House Judiciary Committee will hold the hearing “Exploring Alternative Solutions on the Internet Sales Tax Issue.” Taking some time to explore the Constitutional challenges of current proposals which mandate the […]

Bridge Span 14-2: A Broadband System Upgrade

As has been widely reported today, Comcast has proposed a $45.2 billion takeover of Time Warner Cable Inc., a merger of the number one and number four video service providers (DirecTV and Dish are numbers two and three). The consumer benefits are abundant, which the business proposal will demonstrate even […]

Bridge Span 14-1: The FCC Thrown Into the Regulatory Briar Patch

Exactly three weeks ago, the D.C. Circuit court ruled in Verizon v. FCC that the FCC’s net neutrality order regulating the operations of broadband companies, hence the Internet itself, was illegal. All the judges agreed that the FCC’s order that a telecommunications provider must treat all data in the same […]