Bridge Cables 17-4: FCC Coalition Comments, Innovation in Transportation & Getting to the Near Future

Lately, Madery Bridge writing has appeared in other places. Take a look!:

Ad Hoc FCC coalition – filing of comments “We, the undersigned organizations, represent millions of Americans concerned about the overreach of the Federal government. We write to voice our support for returning the Internet to the light touch regulatory approach that allowed the […]

Bridge Span 17-9: Statement on Restoring Internet Freedom Order

The FCC draft Restoring Internet Freedom Order released this week is exactly the step needed to place the internet back on the path that it had been on for decades, a path that benefits all consumers. The Order ends the government control adventurism of the previous administration by allowing consumers to take charge of their […]

Bridge Span 17-8: Trademarks on the Offensive

Being offended has become quite trendy these days. Finding some words, thoughts or ideas “offensive” has become the frequent attack by the professional demonstrator/protestor/whiner crowd to try to shut down an event or someone’s speech. Always defined in the subjective, as in, “no one can judge because it offends me and only I know what […]