Bridge Span 18-7: A CRA and the Ghouls of the Senate

For two decades the internet hummed along, creating new opportunities for people, business, and ideas. For all that time, under both Democrat and Republican control, the FCC, following the clear lead of Congress as laid out in the 1996 Communications Act, pursued a light regulatory touch while staying out of the way of progress, innovation […]

Bridge Span 18-6: Your Privacy at Risk When Government Drives Your Car?

The sudden outrage expressed leading up to the Facebook hearings was more than a little surprising. After decades of talk about privacy and that consumers were giving away volumes of information online for very little in return, they suddenly seem to have come to understand that when one makes information “public” on social media or […]

Bridge Span 18-5: State Tax Authority as Big as the Internet

Given the volume of whining and complaining by state tax collectors one would think that they face a real crisis in collecting online taxes. In fact, they do not. And given their proposed solution one would think that they are out to end small business and crush the Constitution if that is what it takes […]