Bridge Span 14-11: Crony Capitalism or Just Big Government Growing Government?

If there was any one issue that candidate Barack Obama embraced and promised to pursue if he became president it was the promise of an open and transparent government. The country expressed its support of this promise by a wide margin. But a recent Wall Street Journal article, “FCC Encourages Media Companies to Provide Confidential […]

Bridge Span 14-10: A Bright Day for the Future of the Internet?

This morning the US House of Representatives will debate H.R. 3086, the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act. The Act would permanently protect consumers from the increased costs in accessing and using the Internet by extending the moratorium on Internet access taxes, and would also prevent the multiple and discriminatory taxation of Internet sales.

The House […]

Flyover 14-1: Aereo

As announced yesterday, Aereo, a streaming broadcast TV company, was found to be violating copyrights on programming it was providing, given that the almost live broadcasts it made available represented a public performance of the content and hence was illegal under copyright law. In plain speak, Aereo’s entire business model was to take that which […]