Bridge Span 14-13: Smelly Lockers: A True Story of Pirates

The Digital Citizens Alliance recently released a report that is troubling if somewhat unsurprising. The report documents that intellectual property piracy continues, that it is big business and that cyberlockers play a substantial role in enabling the criminal activity.

Not to be confused with cloud computing, cyberlockers are “online services that are intentionally architected to […]

EVENT: Control vs. Innovation: A Story of American Greed or a Bungled Business Strategy?

YOU ARE INVITED to a Madery Bridge – Taskforce Leadership Discussion

Business Power Leadership Issue Discussion Thursday, September 25 at 11 am Eastern

Control vs. Innovation: A Story of American Greed or a Bungled Business Strategy?


Dr. Lawrence Goldstone, author of Birdmen: The Wright […]

Bridge Span 14-12: An Innovation Protection Model -Section 1201

Today the House Judiciary Committee is undertaking the next in its series of hearings discussing the Copyright Act. This time the hearing will focus on Title 17, Chapter 12 which discusses copyright protection and management systems, including section 1201 regarding the circumvention of copyright protection systems. The very design of the Chapter was to promote […]