Bridge Span 15-6: Trial Trolls

Over the last several decades, trial lawyers have found increasingly “creative” ways to use the legal system to enable themselves to cart off huge portions of legal settlements for themselves. Some of these high profile abuses made headline news, such as the class action exploitations of the 1990s. But actually being required to take a […]

Bridge Span 14-17: NOW SHOWING! The Hack that Ate the Internet Ecosystem!

Recently Sony Pictures became the most recent victim of hackers. This hack captured American attention in ways that many previous hacks had not despite the seriousness of each of them largely because of the trove of private embarrassing emails, sensitive employee information such as salary negotiations and results, and intellectual property being made public. Attention […]

Bridge Span 14-16: “Where to Watch” Piracy Decrease

The Internet ecosystem just added a new tool to preserve the property of rights holders even while encouraging greater use of broadband. The Motion Picture Association has announced the launch of a new search engine called

As Variety has reported, “MPAA — upping efforts to help consumers find legal sources of content instead of […]