Bridge Span 15-4: Discriminatory Digital Taxes: Also Certain?

As Benjamin Franklin famously wrote, “… in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Technology has had an impact on both, providing us with longer life expectancies and a better quality of life. Taking a distinctly different approach, tax authorities find technology too tempting to resist as the target […]

Bridge Span: 15-5 Is An Economically Solid Mobile Future in the Pipeline?

Earlier this year Cisco released its annual Visual Network Index (VNI) Forecast Report: Mobile Data Traffic Update, 2014-2019. The report makes clear that North America, mostly the United States, has been a global leader in mobile broadband development. Case in pont, North America had 39.1 percent of all global 4G connections in 2014 with projections […]

Bridge Pier 15-1: As featured in The Hill – Patents and Pugilism in the Piney Woods

Patents, which protect and encourage technological and scientific advance, and pugilism, “the sweet science,” seem to have more in common than one might suspect. Floyd Mayweather, Jr. a professional boxer who is recognized as the best boxer of his generation, has quipped, “Everywhere I go, I will make a good payday. But we got to […]