Bridge Span 15-1: Comments Filed With FCC Regarding the Massive Regulatory Shift to Regulate the Internet

Progressives are cheering today as the rest of us receive yet another indication that the size of government continues to grow substantially. Earlier today the FCC voted to replace the innovation and technological advance of the internet with the heavy hand of government. To be fair, not all progressives agree with what was done by […]

Bridge Span 15-2: Public Challenges, Private Solutions

The promise of broadband is being realized across the country, in urban and rural communities, including all demographics, amongst the middle class and the poor. While access to, and adoption of, broadband have not necessarily spread evenly, they do in fact continue to spread. Years ago the country set out a goal to have broadband […]

Bridge Span 15-3: Putting Mobile Out of Reach in PG County

According to the Pew Research Center, minorities use mobile technologies more than whites. While African-Americans and Hispanics were much less likely to own a desktop computer, they owned laptops in equal numbers with whites, and are more likely than whites to own a mobile device. Importantly, minority groups use mobile “phone” capabilities to greater effect […]