Bridge Cables 16-2: This Wireless Future, Municipal Chokepoint in Innovation, and Taking Back the Legislative Branch

Lately, Madery Bridge writing has appeared in other places. Take a look!:

American Legislative Exchange Council – “This Wireless Future” “The next generation of wireless networks promises increased capacity to accommodate skyrocketing consumer demand, faster wireless speeds for consumers and businesses alike, reduced latency periods and increased network reliability..” Read more here Institute for […]

Bridge Cables 16-1: Set Top Box and Copyright, Tomorrow’s Workforce, and Telehealth

Lately, Madery Bridge writing has appeared in other places. Take a look!:

Institute for Policy Innovation – “Do Copyright Office Concerns Matter to the FCC?” “This government intrusion into copyright protections and the freedom of contact is astonishing. But what is worse is the continuing arrogance of the FCC, and the chairman of that agency, […]

Bridge Span 16-5: The Competitive Marketplace in Innovation Best Serves Video Consumers

In the middle 1700’s Adam Smith explained a framework which provides innovators all the encouragement they need to continue to develop new technologies. The force of the free market, the invisible hand as Smith referred to it, recognizes that individuals pursuing their own interest frequently promote the good of society, such as with new products […]