Bridge Span 17-3: The Firm Grounding of an Intangible Foundation

Good ideas are worth repeating. In Washington it is a necessity to repeat good ideas so that they are not drowned out by the great abundance of bad ideas, to give them a firm grounding even when the topic is intangible. To that end, Madery Bridge joined a host of other organizations signing a letter […]

Bridge Span 17-2: Free Market Flop – Municipal Madness

Appropriately, city and local governments try to find ways to improve the municipality for its citizens. Inappropriately, some of these municipalities around the country have tried, and ultimately failed, to either set up their own communications networks or to partner with private companies to get into the business of broadband. The reasons for the failures […]

Bridge Span 17-1: Copyright Modernity

Last week U.S. Representatives Tom Marino, Judy Chu and Barbara Comstock introduced the CODE Act. The Act would finally make the U.S. Copyright office an independent part of the legislative branch, with the related functions and legal duties being part of the Office instead of remaining part of the Library of Congress, in which the […]