The Amazing Smartphone

From the CTIA blog…great stuff…

CTIA Blog: The Amazing Smartphone: No Guts, No Glory
By: Rob Mesirow, Vice President & Show Director, CTIA-The Wireless Association

No matter how you slice it, the wireless industry has undergone – and continues to go through – an amazing transformation. As of June 2012, there were almost 322 million wireless devices in the U.S., and almost 41 percent of them were smartphones (almost 131 million).

This is a 37 percent increase from the previous year, when there were almost 96 million smartphones in the U.S.

While we’re clearly enjoying all of the benefits that smartphones offer, do you know how much the networks, hardware and content have evolved? This has also impacted how consumers and businesses use mobile devices.

We’ve developed this infographic on the evolution of the smartphone

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